The last weekend in May saw us at the Saxon Air Hanger at Norwich Airport working at the Sustainability Weekend. It was a showcase of how aviation and transport is trying to reduce its carbon emissions and the role they play in front line conservation.
We had the electric plane on display that holds the first CAA license allowing it to carry passengers, as well as a kit electric plane that can be charged solely by solar energy and which is aimed at working in remote places, ideal for National Parks & Conservation.
We also had a helicopter that runs on bio-fuel, and talks from bio-fuel producers with updates on the latest in plane design and bio-fuel technology.It included one Danish Company whose bio-fuel will be online within the next 10 years, is make from landfill and can run at 100%.
The weekend finished with a Dinner Dance in the hanger that raised funds for Explorers. Many thanks to all the supporters who joined us and to Ophir Gin whose generous donation of the Gin Bar made the evening a huge success..